Peripheral guide of GRANDY21
2001/01/20 revised

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- AKenmin no Mori: Forest of the prefecture's inhabitants
- A garden was opened as a commemoration business of 100 year of Meiji in 1969.
- Central commemoration pavilion: Exhibition, conference rooms such as panels and models, Management Office, and dining rooms, etc.
- Central plaza: Lawn plaza and ball plaza
- Music Bowl: 200-300 seats in the outdoors seat
- Field Athletics: 15 parts, 2000m
- Tree garden (zelkova, etc.) and cherry blossoms, Satsuki, Japanese cypress, and marsh plant, etc.
- Orienteering course: 10km, 18 routes on stroll road, four house, etc.
- Photograph when visiting in October, 2000 (about 100KB)
The guide by League of sightseeing in Miyagi Pref.
- BAoso Jinja: Shinto shrine
- It is read as Aoso Jinja. It is said that there is a history since years from 852. Delicious springing water is here and local comes to drawing. It is a problem that the amount is a little though the springing water is in front of the left hand of the main building of a Shinto shrine. It crowds with the person of the mountain herbs removing at the early spring. Moreover, a festival seems to be held on May 1 - 3.
- CSawaoto Onsen (Hot spring)
- It is read as Sawaoto Onsen.
It is said with a great hot water of the tradition in 1200 from the age of Tamuramaro Sakanoue. The day trip bathing became possible though it was used as a watering place recently old, too. About 10,000 yen with two food a night stay. The day trip bathing is 500 yen during 10:00-20:30.
It is said that the fountain quality is in an alkaline simple fountain. The outdoor bath is separeted for the man and woman, and is larger the woman open air.
Besides this, a great fountain of hot spring of Dochinbo Onsen (including bicarbonate of soda fountain) cannot be overlooked on the side of the road where it faces the Rifu high school.
- DSugaya Fudoson: a temple
- EKasenuma Park
- Wild bird's paradise across Shiogama City, Tagajou City, and Rifu-cho. The city-planning-decision area of this park is 102.3ha and the area established is 6.9ha. Field Athletics, various plazas, the cooking facilities, rest rooms, and parking lots are maintained, and Mecca of the Imoni party (a kind of outdoors barbecue).
Of course, bird watching is also suitable. The parking lot also is maintained recently and there are a lot of people who come from the Sendai city though it has been known as a good place known to few people of enjoying seeing cherry blossam in spring.
Entering free. Park of opening always.
It is scheduled to enhance sports facilities in the soccer scene etc. , too and to become a large-scale park in 2004 fiscal year.
Related Informations: ALL IN JAPANESE
- FJR East Japan, Shinkansen Vehicle Base in Sendai
- This Touhoku Shinkansen vehicle base boasts of scale of Orient No.1. Here is a vehicle base of Touhoku, Akita, Yamagata, and Hokuriku Shinkansen, where vehicles running in JR East Japan jurisdiction are maintenanced and assembled. The size of the base is 530,000 square meters (about 260m in length and about 3.5km in width) which correspond to as many as 11 pieces in Tokyo Dome. This is cerious affair industry place where about 1,000 staff are working. There are STAR21 and doctor yellow etc.
�qVisit Information �r
Day of opening a library:Entering free at 9:30-16:00 of every day except year end and new year
When entering, the entrance permission is gotten in the guard place at the entrance. (After it fills it in on a fixed form, the visit badge is passed. )
Visit at factory:Visiting free of every day except soil, day, holiday, and year end and new year
10:00, 13:30, and 15:00 (Reserve it by TEL of the necessity) 022-356-5223.
Besides this, the Vehicle Base Festival is held on Sunday in the end on August every year (8/25 former), open to the public.
Popularity concentrates on the trial-ride fair at that day, where the Shinkansen vehicle goes slowly round the vehicle base premises taking Shinkansen. Let's get the wear present by being arrive at Shin-Rifu Station by about nine o'clock ahead in the morning., obtain the ticket of the trial-ride fair promptly, and board the first-class carriage of your boarding-scheduled Shinkansen vehicle. Also, arrange the return ticket ahead of time. Additionally, the event which cannot turn at all in a day is a jostling.
It is to waiting by four hours or less because there are not so many parking lots. By train by all means. Or, you should park in parking lot managed by Rifu-town in the vicinity of Rifu Station. The railway track is exceeded, and you go to the other side with the Rifu Station examination of tickets. I will encourage to go by Shin-Rifu-Rifu (two minutes) by parking it with using the Touhoku local line.
Related Informations: ALL IN JAPANESE
The other web pages concerning RifuALL IN JAPANESE
- Machi-dukuri Network of Rifu
- Homepage of Rifu
- Sightseeing map�APoint of viewpoint and play�AStaying guide
- Page of Rifu drum
- Discover Miyagi
- akie's web page
- Page of Park and play scene